Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why we turn blind to facts?

US may be winning battles but... but they ARE NOT winning the war.

If any effort were ever made to understand those from other cultures-then there would be no war. The hatred against Muslims spread by evangelists in the US, by misquoting quranic verses and depicting Muslims as followers of tribal/barbaric practices, has partially been successful with the masses.

With the public face of Abu Ghraib, and the chronic humiliation of those held and released, those in America, will pay for this Adminstrations idiocy for a long long time to come.

I worked with Arabs and Muslims for 10 long years. They DON'T forget nor forgive an insult that goes to the heart of their religion or culture. They bide their time, and strike again, and again, and again. We saw that in Iraq, In palestine, in Moracco and Algeria, and in Afghanistan. Had it been any other community, it would have been flattened to ashes long time ago.

AS to LIES - part of Muslim culture is to HIDE anything done to them that they find shameful. When it DOES become public in some manner-they still acknowledge it only halfheartedly. So I find it hard to believe they would fabricate degradation regarding sexual abuse or abuse of bodily functions.

Lets not kid ourselves. The International Red Cross documented gitmo and Iraqi prison torture before any of us knew anything. Amnesty International, Human Rights watch and many other groups are also documenting it. British solders and Officers have gone on trial and admitted it. The only place where the LIES are due to not acknowledging truth, or hiding truth, are from the group of people sitting in or around White House power structure.

No, I do not want to see the horrors that are yet to come. If US does not get it's troops home soon, I truly fear the future will be a very long dark tunnel for US citizens and their descendants.

Let's be honest, building "permanent" bases (the US Adminstration says don't exist) along oil pipelines around the world is a prescription for disaster.

I have seen DVD's from 3 different people home on leave from Iraq. All include pictures the troops find "funny" of Iraqi's being at best abused, run over by tanks, humvess etc.

Yesterday there were articles that said the riots actually started 3 weeks ago due to civilians being killed by US troops along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. (I just woke up and do not have the energy to look for the links).

Raw Story and The Guardian have provided links to show the Newsweek Story on torture and abuse is not new nor original. That a Republican governement source stated it would be in a published report-and then later backed down IS the real story of this squabble.

The Independant, Italian, German, Norwegian and other countries have documented evidence of the outrageous US treatment of people. WAKE UP US Citizens! Google for FACTS - meet and talk with Muslims or you too may end up as fodder for this insanity.

It's time you all stand up and protect your own Constitution. Once again Bush and his sidekicks are pointing the finger at the media because the truth received a scary response. This administration is trying to get away with overplaying their hand. Speak out against the regime and vocally protest at any event the Republicans hold. The President is touring the U.S. in an attempt to sell his Social Insecurity plan. Protest at those events so they are unable to divert America's attention from the corruption, lies and unethical behavior.


Anonymous said...

Has anybody ever stopped to think of this one basic undeniable fact:

Only the US which possesses the most lethal weapons of mass destruction (chemical and nuclear), has used them time and time again on civilians of foreign countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq and has so far flouted all UN laws restricting the use of WMDs on civilians.

Saddam used US supplied nerve gas against the Iranians and Kurds with the full knowledge and complicity of the US Government. Other than that No Muslim nation to date has ever used WMDs on any other nation.

Is it not us who are the threat to the world? If anybody should be incarcerated and tortured it should be the looney evangelical preachers who egg on their brain dead parishoners to war. In some towns in the US more than half of the town is missing its men and boys. Soon these towns will only be made up of geriatrics. All the young will be dead or horribly mutilated, thanks to mad Bush and his insane blood crazed Judeo-Christian supporters. This clown has to be the worst damn president in the history of not just the US but of the world, and we have prooved to be a nation of idiots.

They keep saying 1000 US soldiers dead..1600 dead..but is anyone counting the lives of innocent civilians lost since we started this fictional war on terror?

Media here should also pay heed and give coverage to article like this:,2763,1435181,00.html

Anonymous said...

Last week, I spent a few days in London attending a series of lectures on American foreign policy.

There were American and they were generally supportive of what the Bush administration is doing in fighting terror and spreading freedom.

The Europeans, on the other hand, were a different story. The British media were full of stories pounding the president and his policies. I was stuck watching the BBC, with its nightly onslaught against the U.S.

The day I left London, I saw a screaming headline in one of the big British papers, "President Bush's failures."

By the end of my trip, I was drowning in anti-Americanism.

The British and European press can say whatever they want about us— but the truth is that without the United States, the world would be a far more dangerous place. Thanks to the leadership of the Bush administration, members of Al Qaeda are being hunted, captured and killed. 50 million people have been liberated in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Libya, long a terrorist state, did not want to face America's wrath, and offered up a preemptive surrender of its WMD programs. Syria is leaving Lebanon. Democratic elections in some form or another have happened in places they were never imagined possible— Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia— and pressure for them is building in Egypt and Syria.

American pressure on the international community is leading it to deal with the nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea. This is all because of American leadership, not European leadership.

Maybe the Europeans suffer from superpower envy. Maybe it's just a difference in political values and approach. But whatever the reason for their anti-Americanism, deep down they know that they would not want a world without the United States. Because if the Europeans were threatened in any way, the first call they would place would be to Washington.

And guess who would be there, right away, to lend a helping hand?

I know the answer... and you know something? So do they. So stop bloging all your Anti American diatribe here.