Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Muslim are real stupid..!Huh!!

When newsweek said its information had come from a "knowledgeable government source" who told the magazine that a military report on abuse at Guantanamo Bay said interrogators had flushed at least one copy of the Qur'an down a toilet in a bid to make detainees talk, it was indeed speaking the truth. So many times earlier we have read the same charges being doled out by innocents held as suspects and released from such hellholes, due to their government or relatives influences. What's new? What's unbelievable?

But, according to Newsweek now, the source later said that he could not be certain that he had seen an account of the incident in the military report. It might have been in other investigative documents or drafts, he said.

Can you imagine...even the afghans were unconvinced whom americans have liberated and put on the path to properity. Forget the rest of the Muslim world!! Even non-Muslims would be smirking at the naivity of the US policy makers or laughing at the utter helplessness and sorry state of Muslim nations. What a stupid world it's considered??

But, in my opinion, I didn't expect the afghan response to this episode to be so overwhelming that it brings about an apology even from a creadible US News magazine, leave alone a single American. Their demand that the US government apologises might be too far fetched, but the fact that it did make US Govt. at least took note of the matter, goes to say that the soul of the Muslims is still alive for the things that they consider as sacred. Post Abu Ghraib pictures, I thought that nothing can be more degrading and disgusting for the Muslim world and if nothing happened then, nothing would happen..ever.

But, Did I hear any protests or demonstrations in the US friendly but fanatic Arabian peninsula against this Quran desecration? Guess NO!!

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