Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah et.al

All it took was a couple of soldiers for Israel to go on the offensive against the Hezbollah. How many innocent Indians will it take for our politicians to meet the enemy eye-to-eye? What will it take for the Indian politician to realize that the enemy is not interested in peace? - So wrote one, Rahul Sharma from Austin, Texas, in Gulf News Online newspaper, Letters to Editor section.

Many amongst us Indians feel quite awed and mesmerised by Israel's heroic deeds in the Middle East. Part of the appreciation for Israeli actions lies in the maxim - "Enemies enemy is my friend...", where the whole Muslim world is considered an enemy of Hindutva version of Hinduism but part of the problem also lies amongst the nouveo rich NRI genre of peepat's who sit far beyond in the lands where conflicts/misadventures like the ones undertaken by Israel, if carbon - copied by India, would have little or no direct effects in their personal / immediate family lives.

Coming back to Israel. Co-religionists of the Einstein, the land of educated scientists and sufferers of untold misery in the hands of Europeans during WWII. They are now facing a dire threat to their homeland by Iranians/Arabs who wants to push them into the sea. They indeed deserves our sympathy and more.

The Arabs/Muslims..in general, are good for nothing fellas...dispensable on human resources level and mistakenly blessed by God on natural resources level. These guys can aptly be annihilated and their lands re-habitated by poeple from around the world. If not annihilated, at least made slavishly subserviance for 'shudra' kinda works.

Afterall...honestly...the whole Middle East except Israel..has not a thing to offer to humanity except ill-gotten Oil and Gas. I still remember someone aptly summarising the US built up to Iraq War. He wrote: " Let's cut the crap..kick the ass and get the Gas..!!!"
Had Bush said that in all honesty..I would have lesser problems with him on moral grounds.

On to Israel Again! Having fought since it's creation with hostile muslim nations around, it's a persona of strength against all odds. ( Not many knows that US opened direct Air bridge and transfered arms that were not yet put into mainstream production lines during Israel's war with Egypt in 1973). Anyways..Jo jeeta wohi sikander.

Now, just a bit of Israel's unquestioned history..bear with me!!

Throughout history many countries have been occupied, but establishment of a new country with a utterly new set of people, is a new phenomenon that is exclusive to our times. Sixty years ago the country itself did not exist that could be called as Israel. Six million Jews that were surely related to at least two million families are fabled to have been incinerated across Europe. Numbers deny logic but let's believe them. Hmmm..Ok Let me explain...not the Iranian Ahmedinejad's way...but more rational way.

Historically...the Talmud (Old Testament) cites examples of many billions of Jews being killed (including children being burned). Needless to say, there have never been that many Jews on the face of the earth. The same falsification and embellishment is true with regard to the "holocaust" of World War II. Many Jews died, but not the six million that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas chambers. Red Cross documentation which Jewish controllers refuse to release, is suspected of suggesting that some 100,000 were lost.

As historian David Irving (poor guy is suffering jail term for being condemned as an Anti Semite) and many others have rightly observed, there never were gas chambers at the concentration camps. And, it would have been impossible for the Germans to have gassed and then burned an average of 12,000 Jews every day. Reports by concentration camp survivors that tell of the guards going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews had been killed, clearing out the bodies, and then filling the room again are patently false – the guards (none of whom was reported to have worn a mask) would have instantly died, since cyanide does not dissipate or disappear in a few minutes, it takes hours and hours. Remember..Bhopal!!??

Also, there would have been bones and ashes to show, with cyanide residue. None of this has EVER BEEN found. This also brings to fore the fabled "Hindu holocaust" theory of P N Oak's and agressively pursued by RSS. But more on that later.

Even the Auschwitz Memorial which once stated that six million Jews had died now states that perhaps a million died. The plaque has been altered from 6 to 1 million. That being said, even a million dead people is a lot. The degree of suffering they experienced, and the treatment they received from hateful, evil Nazis was a fact. Yet, that does not excuse all of the evils and wrongs committed by the victors, who fire-bombed civilian populations in Germany and Japan, and dropped atomic bombs on cities in Japan, before ending the war. The intentional massacring of millions of civilians by the Allied victors was certainly a war crime, and perhaps of larger impact than what happened to the Jews.
Again let us assume that these events are true. Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East or support for such a state? How can this phenomenon be rationalized or explained?

-Many thousands are killed in the process.

-Millions of indigenous people are made refugees.

-Hundreds of thousands of hectares of farmland, olive plantations, towns and villages are destroyed.

This tragedy is not exclusive to the time of establishment; unfortunately it has been ongoing for sixty years now.

A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian political figures, and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison. Such a phenomenon is unique – or at the very least extremely rare – in recent memory.

But who wants to be sanctimonous in this day or age? Especially if it's Muslim on the recieving end? They always start it first!! Yeah! Modi..you get your clues from them..Genius B278273!!

Israeli government asserts that it is facing not an enemy with rights, but “terrorists”, “criminals” and “gangs”. And those, of course, have no rights.

In a war, there are “prisoners of war”. That applies to Cpl. Gilad Shalit, who was taken prisoner in a military action, as well as to the Palestinian fighters who are held by us. But Israeli government defines Shalit as “kidnapped” and the Palestinian prisoners as criminals.

It seems that the Jewish brain is inventing new patents. After the Unilateral Disengagement and the Unilateral Peace, we have now a Unilateral War. A war in which one side (the stronger) enjoys all the rights of a belligerent party, while the other (weaker) side has no rights at all.

A war must have an aim. What is the aim of this war? Like George Bush’s invasion of Iraq, Ehud Olmert’s invasion of Gaza has an aim that changes from day to day.

It started as an operation to save Cpl. Shalit. How does one free a soldier who has been taken prisoner by underground organizations, whose whereabouts are unknown? How does one free him by force without endangering his life?

The army has a solution: Apply massive force. If only we kill and destroy more and more, the Palestinian people will demand that the underground fighters release the captured soldier. Unconditionally.

This might be called the “Harris Principle”. In World War II, the British Air-Marshal Arthur Harris (“Bomber Harris”) promised to bring Germany to its knees by turning its cities into rubble. But Germany surrendered only after the last German house was taken by foot soldiers.

The Palestinian population, too, is not collapsing, in spite of its dreadful situation. It demands, almost unanimously, that the captors not release the soldiers if there is no release of “Palestinian prisoners of war”. Same is the demand of Hezbollah who want their Guantanamo type political prisoners held in Israeli prisons for no charges whatsoever.

So, instead of the release of the prisoner, a new war aim was born: To put an end to the launching of the Qassams...now it has transformed into end to hizbollah...and end to hamas and god knows what?

Like every single event in the 120 years of the Zionist-Palestinian conflict, this one, too, is burned into the consciousness of the two peoples in very different ways. For most Israelis, this is another chapter in the long war against “Palestinian terrorism”. Again their brave soldiers are obliged to face the vile Palestinian murderers, who aim to throw them into the sea.

For the other side, this is a heroic stand of their finest sons against an evil and vicious enemy. One of the strongest armies in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date weaponry, is deployed against a handful of untrained fighters with primitive arms. Fighter planes, helicopter gun ships, heavy tanks, artillery, missile boats, armored bulldozers and night-vision sights — all against Kalashnikovs and RPGs (light anti-tank weapons).

The struggle between the Palestinian militias is giving way to a new unity against the common enemy. Already on the eve of the operation, Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas agreed with Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah to accept the “prisoners’ paper”, which de facto recognizes Israel within the Green Line border. Now, in the heat of battle, Fatah members clamor to join the Hamas fighters in the struggle against the invader, and the remnants of Abbas’ influence are fading.

If the Israeli government carries out its public threats to kill the Palestinian prime minister and his ministers, Hamas will only emerge strengthened. The place of the martyrs will be filled by new leaders from among the fighters, and the Palestinians will close ranks behind them.

The most dispensable people on earth too...have this uncanny ability to defy logic and fight back against those who come to occupy their lands and resources.
Why can't muslim communities be like Red Indians and Aborigines, confined to showcases of history in their own lands that they dwell in ?

Yes on the Day 5 of the conflict : Israel has 24 civilian deaths and lebanon 150.
Year 4 of War into terror, US has lost around 2500 of it's soldiers and Muslim lives lost, official count:~ 40000

How very dispensable to this World.

O Muslims!!!....You are yourself to be blamed. What a shame whem you claim to be the sole possessors of the uncorrupted message from Almighty!! What a shame, that our despotic, impotent rulers with all their military might and swearing servitude to USA cannot even accomplish what tiny footsoldiers of Hezbollah and Hamas have done despite being branded as terrorists for fighting against occupying army of great strength and having absolute and unquestioned backing of a superpower.
Hezbollah will loose...short of a miracle. Israel will inflict heavy human toll as a lesson. But at it is sending an unmistakable message to the United States on behalf of its regional allies, Syria and Iran - " squeeze us, and we will retaliate to the best of our abilities."

And Mr. Rahul Sharma....Be very cautious of when you ask of India to bahave the way Israel does...at least, live in India to bear it's ramifications.


Anonymous said...

I love it when some people claim that the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was lower than widely stated. Yeah, these same people will be claiming that the number of people killed in the cowardly terrorists' attacks in the United States of America were less than the known 2,996. As a free American woman sang, "Let freedom reign!"

Anonymous said...

THis is more to comment about the Prophet marrying a young child. My only statement is this: Jesus Christ is the SON of GOD and part of the HOLY TRINITY including the Father (which is NOT ALLAH), Jesus, and the HOLY SPIRIT. Jesus is the ONLY GOD in any religion or faith that DIED for his followers and lived a very HOLY life. He didn't Murder people or rape or pillage!!! He conquered with love, not with the sword. How many christians are martyred each year in places like the philipines and malaysia and other places by Muslims!!! The facts speak for themselves. Convert yourselves to Jesus, He is the true way, the LIFE!!! How many buddhists, hindus, christians or other faiths besides muslims are responsible for terror attacks. You cannot cover up this truth. Islam is a faith of intolerance, PERIOD. You either become a muslim or you die or your culture dies. Its happening everywhere. And I will not let it happen in my good old US, even though OBAMA is owned by the muslims or is afraid of them!!! When someone criticizes Jesus nothing happens, but when the 'Prophet' is any way written about, then there are murders and attacks!!! There should be both faith AND reason when dealing in your life!!! I know a mystic who got a message from Jesus that Allah is not the same God as Jesus' father, but is just a prophet and that MANY are mislead. What will you do when you die and the only one that you see at your judgment is JESUS! I will pray for you all!!!
Praise be the Name of JESUS!!!
God bless all of you!!!
I am anonymous because I know that I will probably have threats or death threats!!! Don't you see the point!!!