Friday, April 14, 2006

When death is more favoured

"Revenge may be sweet. But for a man with a death wish and delusions of an awaiting paradise, decades in a dismal prison cell, not a quick execution, is the way to achieve it."

Excerpted from: Moussaoui seeks death.

Flashback..2003, When during the trial, in addition to keeping much of the evidence against Moussaoui secret, the Bush government had illegally defied a judge's order to disallow Moussaoui to talk with a captured Al-Qaeda member being held in a secret location bound to testify against him and also disallowed Moussaoui's plea to get the whole proceedings televised.

US Govt's refusal to abide by the said judge's order would have instantly meant that the entire case be dismissed. But true to it's strong arm tactics, the government had also made it quite clear they will put Moussaoui to a military tribunal, where it will be a much simpler matter to deny Moussaoui's defence access to the Al-Qaeda member requested, with no inconveniences like the Constitution to get in the way. And so..the trial moved on.

I think it is safe to assume that any american will agree that all arrested on charges of terrorism are guilty until proven innocent. That is the nature of living in an area saturated with news coverage that declares what they did in such a matter of fact manner as the news organizations do.

This brings me to the point where, If Moussaoui is found guilty (irrespective of his testimonies), any answers the trial might provide as to why he and other al Qaeda members hate America so much will appear only in cold print because despite his request, televised proceedings of the trial are not been granted. Moreover, if the death penalty were imposed on Moussaoui - for four of the six charges against him allow it - the world will neither have seen nor heard the basis for the sentence of death, but merely read about it secondhand.

And if Moussaoui is innocent, even an acquittal likely will not clear his name. The effect of damning and widespread reports that he wanted to learn to fly, but not to take off or land, probably can, at this point, only be superseded by televised evidence to the contrary.

The world also needs to hear our side of this story. The government's opening and closing statements in the Moussaoui trial can tell that story - and televising opening and closing arguments for both prosecution and defense poses no risk to witnesses at all.

Unlike broadcasting an Osama bin Laden video, a televised trial setting ensures that both sides are aired. In the end, it is closed proceedings and secrecy that inspire distrust. Let the people, and the world, judge who is right and who is wrong, who is guilty and who innocent.

Coming back to 2006...We hear that "For some time, Moussaoui's actions have suggested that, for him, life in prison is more horrible than death. At one point, he offered to testify for prosecutors in exchange for better prison conditions. His testimony might as well have been a request to die."

And we still believe happily that his "acceptance of involvement in 9-11" is absolute truth.

April 02 - 2006: "During my last night in captivity, my captors forced me to participate in a propaganda video. They told me I would be released if I cooperated. I was living in a threatening environment, under their control and wanted to go home alive. So I agreed," she said in a statement read by her editor in Boston."
Tha was the recently taken hostage and then freed journalist Jill Carroll for you.

The Iraqi insurgents are so dumb that they never thought of the fact, when she's released..she wouldn't reveal this to the whole world media.

But we believe her!! Who threatened her to change / retract her Anti-US statements?? No one's asking!!
Dumb iraqi terrorists!!

But dumber the whole 9-11 trail and commission. Why? Look at the list of these suicidal 9-11 plane hijackers as furnished by the US government:

Satam al Suqami,
Wail and Waleed al Shehri (two brothers) [Both currently Alive],
Abdul Aziz al Omari [Found Alive],
Fayez Banihammad (from the UAE), Ahmed al Ghamdi, Hamza al Ghamdi,
Mohand al Shehri [Alive],
Saeed al Ghamdi [Alive],
Ahmad al Haznawi,
Ahmed al Nami [Alive], Majed Moqed, and
Salem al Hazmi [Alive.

How can the whole 9-11 related proceedings be taken seriously when they refer to 9/11 'hijackers' who are still alive?

An lastly:
Here is the finest movie about 911 tragedy, made till date. Backed by facts and evidence, it's no 'conspiracy theory', but pure and unadulterated *Truth*

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